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“The respect and encouragement that the staff gives the children makes us feel safe and loved.” 
– Lefika La Phodiso child

Interns provide a valuable resource to Lefika La Phodiso. Apart from providing much-needed hands-on-work, they also bring a fresh perspective to our organisation and are able to experience working in a multimodal mental health team. While interns are not salaried, they are able to accumulate working experience and, as is the case of master’s students, are able to log the requisite community hours needed. We have had students studying arts therapies, psychology, registered counsellors, social work, social auxiliary work, applied drama and education. Lefika La Phodiso has an ongoing partnership with these institutions: Wits Drama for Life, South African College of Applied Psychology (SACAP) and the University of Johannesburg (UJ). The interns participate in the Open Studio after school programmes, as well as giving individual counselling and therapy sessions at our low cost / no cost clinic. They also assist with various administrative tasks.

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