Website under maintenance

Our website is currently undergoing imported maintenance.
Please contact us on the details below:
065 094 2152

Get Involved

Our partners, sponsors, funders, interns and volunteers, play an integral role in the sustainability of our organisation. We are grateful for your commitment, ongoing support and engagement. One cannot equate the value you bring to the organisation, be it monetary, a skills-set or counselling. Your generosity and heartfelt belief in what we do, in turn fuels us. If you would like to become involved please contact us, you’d be amazed at just how much you have to offer.


At Lefika our budget is tight, and our staff body is small. While we multi-task, there is always a need for more helpful hands. By becoming a volunteer, you are bridging a vital gap. While volunteers do not receive pay, we have found that they receive other gifts: a sense of purpose, belonging and fulfilment. There are many volunteer roles available at Lefika La Phodiso.


Lefika La Phodiso’s survival is dependent on donations, without which we could not operate. All donations are tax deductible and we can offer a section 18A certificate for tax purposes. Our annual reports offer detailed accounts of monies spent. We thank you for your generosity.


“Your belief and your work will speak for you.”
– Maya Angelou
Lefika La Phodiso is grateful to our partners, funders and sponsors for their commitment to our sustainability. Without their support Lefika La Phodiso would cease to exist.


“I want to thank Lefika for being my Mother Nature.”
– Lefika La Phodiso child
If our wish list is empty, that’s good news because it means that due to the kindness of Lefika La Phodiso’s genies our wishes have been granted. Our ever-evolving needs mean our wishes vary from stocking-fillers to big-ticket items! Please will you be so kind as to check our wish list from time-to-time as you may have just what we’re looking for and be willing to donate.


We are grateful for our symbiotic relationship with our interns. We need facilitators and they need experience and to clock the accredited work hours. Lefika La Phodiso is a placement site for arts therapies and psychology Masters and Honours students from various universities, as well as SACAP. All interns work strictly under supervision. Please contact us for more information.

Funders & Donors

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