Website under maintenance

Our website is currently undergoing imported maintenance.
Please contact us on the details below:
065 094 2152

Wish List

“I want to thank Lefika for being my Mother Nature.” – Lefika La Phodiso child

If our wish list is empty, that’s good news because it means that due to the kindness of Lefika La Phodiso’s genies our wishes have been granted. Our ever-evolving needs mean our wishes vary from stocking-fillers to big-ticket items! Please will you be so kind as to check our wish list from time-to-time as you may have just what we’re looking for and be willing to donate.

Ugent wishes

Kitchen Sink


50 A1 Masonite Boards
Office Supplies
Art Meterials

Big wishes

Paid driver for said mini bus
Kitchen remodel
Lefika mini bus

Suggest donation

Use the form below to suggest an item you would like to donate to Lefika.

Funders & Donors

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